revolving doors

too much internet

I’m in my hotel room, naked on the bed with the laptop on a drawer removed from the nightstand. I’m again in Sardinia, my friends sleep in the nearby room and this small hotel features a very fast wi-fi, I got the password from the hotel manager that wrote it for me on a small piece of paper. It’s a character from an old Sega mega drive videogame. It’s not Sonic.

Some days ago Facebook bought FriendFeed, I’m still chatting sometimes with Melody and with Adam and all those things seems so normal, so common these times. I’m not in the mood to get some work done, I should be on holiday and this internet connection also connects me to my everyday life.

On Facebook i have some friends inviting me to join their business groups. Why should i join those all branded + serious empty groups? All these questions have been asked and answered in the Cluetrain manifesto many years ago, and now I only feel that strange lonely internet-mood while in a foreign hotel room.

What’s the cool way to use the internet? I tried almost every forum/second life fail/chat/social stuff/website community on our western internet and? Maybe it will be enough to post some mp3s from the concerts of the next days, share only the stuff that i really care about. But i’m still puzzled. I’m missing so many things in my life that i cannot even count them. I feel in a big mess and trying to get organized, trying to follow a dream that could come true in the next years only means to lose other days of my life on earth with normal people.

Being this overly-connected is not giving much, i think, compared to the daily learning and giving that a “normal” friendship can guarantee. And… my normal friendships today come from the internet of some years ago.

I’m not that kind of orthodox christian, anyway i remember most of the stories from the Old Testament: one of these tells about that guy planting seeds on the stones, and putting seeds in the ground. That’s just a concept to make you understand that there are some places where seeds cannot grow. Every time I walk in the city i feel that all that stories are false. Plants and grass are growing everywhere, even in the space between stones.

i’m still in my empty hotel room, and the simple action of posting on the internet, tonight has the taste of a failure. All those songs of unhappy people are full of ideas far from the reality. The only song with the word “happy” on the lyrics is a cover of “father and son” of Cat Stevens, when he says “I am old, but I’m happy”.

That “but” it’s a small proof that he is lying, at least to himself.

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